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Perhaps you are aware that the Catholic Church in the United States is celebrating World Marriage Day on Sunday February 14, with National Marriage Week 2021 being observed from February 7-14. What a wonderful opportunity for our parishes to focus attention on marriage and the family!

The following document (Word or PDF) offers several suggestions on how you and/or your parish can celebrate World Marriage Day.

How can you celebrate National Marriage Week and World Marriage Day (WMD)? You can start by acknowledging and praying for all married couples. The U.S. Bishops Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth provides the following prayer as a resource:

“Almighty and eternal God, You blessed the union of married couples so that they might reflect the union of Christ with his Church: Look with kindness on them. Renew their marriage covenant, increase your love in them, and strengthen their bond of peace so that, with their children, they may always rejoice in the gift of your blessing. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

Whether you are married, widowed, divorced or single, each of us comes from a family. In celebrating World Marriage Day 2021 we invite you to dedicate renewed prayer and attention to family life and thank our heavenly Father for the gift and blessings of marriage and the family.

Thank you and may God bless you and your family!

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