Harrisburg Diocesan Council of Catholic Women
Harrisburg Diocesan Council of Catholic Women
11/7-8/2024: Boxes of Joy due to Diocesan Center
11/16/2024: Pilgrimage to Basilica of National Shrine of IHM in D.C.
11/27/2024: NCCW Day of Prayer and Fasting
01/01/2025: NCCW $100 Dues for 2025 for each Parish and the HDCCW
01/15/2025: H.O.P.E. Fund Contribution Due from each District
01/24/2025: National March for Life in Washington, D.C.
02/08/2025: Pro-Life Baby Shower at 1:30pm in the Diocesan Center
02/17/2025: Convention Assessment due from each District ($40 per Parish)
02/18/2025: Prayer Shawl Retreat
04/26/2025: 99th Annual HDCCW Convention at the Diocesan Center
6/13-15/25: HDCCW Weekend Retreat at Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary
06/22/2025: 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration
08/19-24/2025: NCCW Convention- Orlando, Florida