Harrisburg Diocesan Council of Catholic Women
Harrisburg Diocesan Council of Catholic Women

50th Wedding Anniversary

2024 Baby Shower

Thank you for your generosity!

50th Wedding Anniversary

2023 Baby Shower
2023 Baby Shower

2022 Fall Retreat- Gifts of the Visitation
2022 Fall Retreat- Gifts of the Visitation



Lorica Award
Recognizing their integrity and generosity in service to the local Church and the community, Bishop Ronald Gainer presented two of our own CCW sisters with the annual Lorica Award:
Stella Kulp of St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Mechanicsburg, for her work with the parish’s Caring Community, the Council of Catholic Women, and the Serra Club of Harrisburg.
Barbara McCarthy of St. Joan of Arc Parish in Hershey, for her work with the CCW and volunteer efforts in the parish as an Extraordinary Minister and in assisting in the planning of parish events.
The Lorica Award is given annually by the Bishop to lay persons who have contributed significantly to the life of the local Church and exemplified the Catholic Christian way of life.
Lorica Award
Recognizing their integrity and generosity in service to the local Church and the community, Bishop Ronald Gainer presented two of our own CCW sisters with the annual Lorica Award:
Stella Kulp of St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Mechanicsburg, for her work with the parish’s Caring Community, the Council of Catholic Women, and the Serra Club of Harrisburg.
Barbara McCarthy of St. Joan of Arc Parish in Hershey, for her work with the CCW and volunteer efforts in the parish as an Extraordinary Minister and in assisting in the planning of parish events.
The Lorica Award is given annually by the Bishop to lay persons who have contributed significantly to the life of the local Church and exemplified the Catholic Christian way of life.

Our lady of Good
Counsel Award
Our lady of Good
Counsel Award

Spiritual Adoption Program & Baby Shower 2021
Spiritual Adoption Program & Baby Shower 2021

St. Joan of Arc Christmas Bazaar
St. Joan of Arc Christmas Bazaar

St. Francis Xavier Holiday Bazaar
St. Francis Xavier Holiday Bazaar

PCCW Bake Sale

PCCW Christmas Crafts

Various Vendors

Mission of Comfort

Father Aaron Lynch – Baked a Pie for a Silent Auction item at the PCCW Bake Table
95th Annual Convention
95th Annual Convention

At a recent meeting, members of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary CCW assembled 50 "Bags of Basics" for the Bethesda Mobile Mission which services the homeless in Harrisburg. Many items including water bottles, lip balm, tissues, toiletries, razors, deodorant, Zip-Loc bags, and sugar-free gum were donated by council members. Our treasury purchased crew socks for each bag.
Each bag also included the attached prayer card.

On Wednesday, December 5, members of the Community Concerns Commission at Seven Sorrows of BVM Parish delivered hand-signed holiday cards to the activities coordinators of Middletown Home and Frey Village. A total of 300 cards will be enjoyed by the residents at these locations.

NCCW CONVENTION- Pittsburgh, PA 2018
NCCW CONVENTION- Pittsburgh, PA 2018

70's Birthday Party at Seven Sorrows
70's Birthday Party at Seven Sorrows

Immaculee Ilibagiza inspired many visitors to Seven Sorrows parish on September 27 and 28. She survived the 1994 Rwandan genocide and published her
first book "Left to Tell: Discovering God amidst the Rwandan holocaust" in 2006.

Seven Sorrows CCW Community Concerns Commission recently completed a service project called "Bag of Basics" benefiting the Men's Shelter at Bethesda Mission. We donated 50 plastic bags each containing: a pair of socks, water bottle, toiletries, gum, lip balm, hand wipes, deodorant, and a prayer card.

Lebanon District CCW Religious Appreciation Dinner. Pictured -Rev. Robert Berger,
Anne Hasting, Marie-Bernadette Plum Marge Schmader-HDCCW President.

Scholarship Presentation 2016
Scholarship Presentation 2016

50th Wedding Anniversary Mass 2016
50th Wedding Anniversary Mass 2016

St. Francis Xavier Parish Council of Catholic Women (Gettysburg) held theri End of Year Mass and Dinner in early June. Fr. Daniel Richards, our Spiritual Advisor, celebrated the Mass, assisted by Deacon Jason Cavender. During the Mass Fr. Richards installed the following 2016-18 officers: President, Nancy Newbold; Vice President, Judy Spooner; Secretary, Cheryl Guy; Treasurer, Stephanie Lapham.

Retreat Master, Reverend Dwight D. Schlaline, with members of the Retreat committee in the Immaculate Conception Chapel at Mount St. Mary's University in Emmitsburg, MD.
HDCCW Convention 2016
HDCCW Convention 2016

January 2016 Prayer Shawl Retreat
January 2016 Prayer Shawl Retreat

Seven Sorrows CCW reaches out to Hershey Medical Center
The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish’s Council of Catholic Women has been busy this fall serving the Middletown community. Recently, a new opportunity presented itself. When Liz Massar, Manager of Patient and Family-Centered Care and Manager of Information Desks at Penn State Hershey Medical Center, suggested a way to extend our outreach to the hospital, we jumped at the chance.
For the last several weeks, the CCW has been writing holiday cards for patients. Get well wishes, Holiday Greetings and prayers were our personal messages in cards that had both religious and secular themes. A total of 376 cards were delivered on Dec. 7th.
Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary- Council of Catholic Women- Winter Coat Drive
Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary- Council of Catholic Women- Winter Coat Drive

Thanks to the generous parishioners of Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in Middletown, the Council of Catholic Women was able to deliver 30 bags of coats, hats, and scarves to the Diocesan Center.
The delivery was the result of a two-week long Winter Coat Drive sponsored be the Community Concerns Commission at the parish.
Mark Totaro, Executive Director of Catholic Charities, helped us to unload the three cars it
took to make the delivery.
When done, Mark surveyed the room full of bags and jokingly remarked, "Are there any coats left in Middletown?".
(right)-Mary Ann Pitek, President of Seven Sorrows of the BVM CC (left)-Linda Hartzell, Community Concerns Commission ChaiBlessings to all whose donations will help to provide winter warmth for those in need.


Scholarship Presentation
Scholarship Presentation

The 2015 Retreat at Mt. St. Mary's University
The 2015 Retreat at Mt. St. Mary's University

Diocesan 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration
Diocesan 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration


Service Project for the residents of Frey Village in Middletown
"The Community Concerns Commission of the CCW of Seven Sorrows BVM Parish recently adopted a Service Project benefiting the residents of Frey Village Senior Living Community. For the past several months, our Council has been crafting 180 Easter cards as gifts for the residents on Easter Sunday. After many work hours and donated supplies, we are finally done. Thanks to all who helped with this worthwhile project."
Service Project for the residents of Frey Village in Middletown
"The Community Concerns Commission of the CCW of Seven Sorrows BVM Parish recently adopted a Service Project benefiting the residents of Frey Village Senior Living Community. For the past several months, our Council has been crafting 180 Easter cards as gifts for the residents on Easter Sunday. After many work hours and donated supplies, we are finally done. Thanks to all who helped with this worthwhile project."

90th Annual HDCCW Convention
90th Annual HDCCW Convention

Prayer Shawl Retreat- February 2015
Prayer Shawl Retreat- February 2015

Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in Middletown responded overwhelmingly to the HDCCW-sponsored
CAPS OF LOVE project!
Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in Middletown responded overwhelmingly to the HDCCW-sponsored
CAPS OF LOVE project!

Pic 1: Mary Ann Pitek, PCCW Presidentand Jeanne sorting more caps. Pic 2: Linda, Mary Ann & Jeanne sorting caps. Pic 3: 15 bags of caps loaded and ready for delivery. Pic 4: Carm sorting the remaining caps.
A BIG THANK YOU for your support and contributions to CAPS OF LOVE!
A BIG THANK YOU for your support and contributions to CAPS OF LOVE!
Prayer Shawl Retreat- January 2015
Prayer Shawl Retreat- January 2015

National Council of Catholic Women Convention 2014
National Council of Catholic Women Convention 2014

HDCCW Convention 2014
HDCCW Convention 2014

50th Wedding Anniversary
50th Wedding Anniversary

Scholarship Presentation 2014
Scholarship Presentation 2014